January 30, 2014

January....and a New Photo Project

I'm back!!  :)  Sorry for the pause in posts for those that have been keeping up with our blog.  After last year's 365 photo project I have been feeling a bit burnt out both professionally and personally.  So, I took some pictures at Christmas and then really didn't pick up my camera for a few weeks.  Yikes!  I definitely do not want to give up on regularly taking pictures for myself but I am trying to ease up my "to do" list this year so that I don't feel so stressed out.  Therefore, this year I have decided to just focus on one "theme" for the month and do a picture post each month on that theme.  But alongside of this I will try and post more substantial posts throughout the month as well that will most likely include pictures.  :)  For example, I will post this month's theme in one post and then do a post on our snow day.  So, less posts but hopefully they will be a bit more substantial.

Along with this I am really going to challenge myself to use the big Nikon camera this year and less iPhone pics.  While the iPhone is great for those quick captures out and about, I want to be more intentional on taking pictures and coming away with more "high quality" personal photos.  The one thing I loved  about the 365 Project were the sweet sweet memories that I had captured with my professional camera.  Those pictures I could print and hang on my wall - something you really can't do with iPhone pictures.  This will also help me grow creatively in my photography skills.  I have definitely learned that this is a really good creative outlet for myself if I really make myself do it (ie. give myself a goal).  And having a creative outlet is a really really good thing some days.  :)

So, next post will start this year's photo challenge.  Hope you enjoy following along!  :)   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will faithfully follow along this year! Looking forward to what you share! :)
