March 4, 2008

One year

Yesterday was the official one year anniversary of the day we moved into our house. I was looking at some of the pictures we took when the house was empty (before we moved all our junk in) and the house has changed quite a bit. We still have a long list of projects that we wish to undertake but we have gotten quite a few accomplished. We, however, had a paint blunder this weekend and must backtrack and repaint. The very fun green color we got for the living room and office is just a bit too bright. So we are going to go back to the store and try again. Which also means I have to repaint...ugh. Oh well, it will look good when it is finished. I haven't had a chance to organize pictures and such but when I get a chance I'll try and post some before and after shots. It is hard to believe that we have had our little blue house for a year now! How time flies.

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